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Showing posts from 2005

10 Things I like...

The other day I sat in on one of my 10 year old daughter's classes. Her teacher asked her to list some things she liked. Not people, not places, activities or feelings...but physical things. Its interest to think of specific objects that make us happy and wonder why. Here are 10 things I like: Spoons Old mechanical clocks Things made of brass Fossils Beach glass Books Pens Rocking chairs Miniature Paintings Handwritten Letters from somebody.

Inventing Reality

One of my fundamental beliefs is that we can all invent our the reality we percieve around us. What is "real" is very fluid and can be manipulated. In that manipulation, its reality becomes, if not self-fulfilling, at least self-enhancing. Do I mean to suggest that I could believe that gravity doesn't exist and make it so? Of course, not! However, If I believe that I have purpose, I do. If I believe I am strong, I am. If I believe I will succeed, I will. If I believe I am intelligent, I am. If I believe I am creative, I am. If I believe I am invincible, I am. If I believe I am immortal, I am. Note that these might be considered increasingly questionable assertions. But consider the alternatives. If I were wrong in these beliefs, what would happen? I'll have more to say about this...

The Limits of Blogging

What kind of things to I want to "Wonder and Muse" about? There's an envelope within which I want my blog to live. The edges are- Not too political-there's plenty of ranting and raving already. I'm pretty sure its been said before. Not too personal-or maybe I mean interpersonal. I don't want to whine about whatever is bothering me at the moment about somebody at work or kids or teachers... These things tend to be emotionally very intense, so they are personal, but they are very transient so they lack any kind of real meaning. Not too trite or petty. My pet peave is people who forward forwarded jokes by email (all the time). Not too lofty or self-important. I want to express things I believe in and think are important. However, I want to express a sincere and authentic voice. What's within those boundaries? Personal. I want to write essays about things I believe in. Things I feel and questions I have. Intelligent (at least to the extent of my intell...

My First Post

Hmm...How many people have written a journal or diary or blog called "My first entry", or something similar. Well, you have to start somewhere. The key implication of "first" is that it isn't the "last". However, having said that, when I set up this blog, I was imagining all the profound insights I would be able to share with the world. The deep thoughts that I would scribble into my laptop at 3am when I can really see the depths of truth. Flocks of websurfers would come to see if I'd stumbled on something new. An almost as attractive image is that no one would read any of this and it will just be a private place to get things off my chest. That in the writing with the possibility that someone could read it, I would have to be honest and fair and share the things I'm feeling. Now that I'm sitting here, I can't actually think of anything particularly deep to share. Well, after all it isn't 3am yet so not to worry!