What kind of things to I want to "Wonder and Muse" about? There's an envelope within which I want my blog to live.
The edges are-
- Not too political-there's plenty of ranting and raving already. I'm pretty sure its been said before.
- Not too personal-or maybe I mean interpersonal. I don't want to whine about whatever is bothering me at the moment about somebody at work or kids or teachers... These things tend to be emotionally very intense, so they are personal, but they are very transient so they lack any kind of real meaning.
- Not too trite or petty. My pet peave is people who forward forwarded jokes by email (all the time).
- Not too lofty or self-important. I want to express things I believe in and think are important. However, I want to express a sincere and authentic voice.
- Personal. I want to write essays about things I believe in. Things I feel and questions I have.
- Intelligent (at least to the extent of my intelligence). In a sense, a Blog offers you an opportunity to play a part. I suppose one could put on a complete artificial personna and pretend to think something. I think its much more intersting to realize that we each have so many different facets. Normally these are all blended to present an averaged version to our friends and family. This is an opportunity to enhance one face and play around with it. Maybe I should set up a separate blog for each personality...
- Literary. Without being too high-falutin', blogging is the cyber version of the tradition of the essayist. Rather than babble and meander, I'd like to think of a topic and write an essay.